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Meetings Focus Live!

We took our Meetings Focus Live! hosted buyer and educational event to six destinations in 2012—Charlotte, N.C.; Huntington Beach and Lake Tahoe, Calif.; Naples, Fla.; San Antonio; and Valley Forge, Pa.—and meeting planners tapped into some eye-opening education while sampling the host property and city, meeting with their supplier matches and even giving back to the local community through CSR programs.

Here are some photo highlights and testimonials from this year’s series. Stop by to get details about our 2013 lineup as it’s unveiled!

“I’m going to write a glowing review from my experience [at Meetings Focus Live! San Antonio] on the HelmsBriscoe intranet for all 1,600 associates to view. Thank you for the wonderful experience.”
—Jane Schmidt, Manager, Global Accounts, HelmsBriscoe

“Wonderful opportunity to meet with valuable suppliers all in one place while also discovering the destination and covering continuing education. I do plan to book business with the host city/hotels, and the other vendor/suppliers I met at Meetings Focus Live! Naples.”
—Norah Marr, Conference Direct

“I have attended many events over the years, and your event comes out on top! It flowed smoothly from beginning to end.”
—Tricia Van Every, Senior Account Executive, HPN Global

The Top 10 Takeaways from Ethical Negotiations: An Oxymoron?
Presented by Joan Eisenstodt and Kelly Bagnall, Esq., at Meetings Focus Live!

  1. Are there any ethical considerations when you’re doing a favor for a friend and “seat-filling” for someone who cancels?
  2. Can you ethically “push” for personal perks when selecting a site for a group?
  3. When is it ethically okay for a hotelier to offer and a planner to accept a personal gift?
  4. What is commercial bribery? How do such laws differ from state to state?
  5. What are ethical issues in the news that impact us all?
  6. Does a hotel’s bottom line matter to ethical negotiations?
  7. What is a party’s/employee’s fiduciary duty and how does it apply to negotiations?
  8. If you know improvisation techniques, how will they help you negotiate better and ethically?
  9. Why are CMPs [Certified Meeting Professionals] held to a specific ethical standard?
  10. If the parties say they are working transparently–or ‘putting their cards on the table’—does that mean they are also negotiating ethically? True or false?