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Planning Within the Lines

There is no way to get around the current restrictions on government events. Even talking about “getting around” restrictions can raise suspicions in agencies that remain hyper sensitive to appearances.

Planners can use the restrictions to highlight the need for faster approval of specific event and attendee travel spending says Brian Miller, managing director for Navigant. Miller was the General Services Administration Inspector General who documented the lavish 2010 spending that sparked the current restrictions.

Documentation is key to planning a successful government meeting.

1. Document the need for the event and ways it directly benefits the agency and its stakeholders. If not holding the event would entail additional costs, document the extra expenditures that can be avoided.

2. Identify the appropriate attendees for the event. Document the benefits that would accrue from their attendance and the detriments resulting from their non-attendance.

3. Document the benefits from allowing agency specialists attend and present at events. Document the disadvantages of not allowing agency personnel to attend and failing to participate in activities that are part of an agency’s core mission.

4. Document the need for speedy approval, including additional costs and other negative effects that might result from delayed approval.

5. Follow up on approval requests early and often.

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About the author
Fred Gebhart