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North Carolina's HB2 Law May Be Repealed

Republican Gov. Pat McCrory has called for a special session on Wednesday, Dec. 21, to consider repeal of House Bill 2 (HB2), a law that curbed legal protections for the LGBT community and in the past nine months has prompted boycotts, resulted in the cancellation of meetings and events and cost the state millions of dollars.

According to the Charlotte Observer, McCrory’s call to action came hours after the Charlotte City Council voted 10-0 to rescind the LGBT ordinance that prompted HB2. The New York Times also reported that Gov.-elect Roy Cooper, a Democrat, said he had been assured by legislative leaders that HB2 would be repealed in full.

For more reading on how HB2 and other controversial laws impact meetings and events, and the precarious situation it creates for planners who already have business in the books, check out this June 2016 blog post from frequent contributor Joan Eisenstodt titled When Laws and Meetings Collide: Go, Stay or Boycott?