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Case Study: Visit Beloit | Connections365

Group: Comply365
Event: Connections365
Date: October 18-20, 2016

Comply365 is an innovative software company headquartered in Beloit, Wis., and holds Connections365, its annual users conference, in the fall. Typically, the company hosted Connections365 in large cities such as Dallas, Chicago and Orlando for its primarily airline-based clients.

In 2016, Comply365 decided to change things up and hosted the conference in its hometown of Beloit, welcoming more than 200 attendees from across the country and globe for a two-day event in the Midwest. Comply365 also graciously welcomed members of the regional business community to its opening sessions, which focused on digital transformation across any organization, allowing the regional community to benefit from high-tech messages typically only found at big-city conferences.

The result was a success, with many clients saying they couldn’t wait to come back to the picturesque town again for such a unique conference experience.

Because of the popularity of Beloit, the company decided to bring Connections365 back to Beloit in October 2018 to create more Midwest memories with their clients.

Comply365 has an amazing culture and relationship with its clients, so its conferences are nothing short of fun. Connections365 took advantage of the beautiful fall colors at the Beloit Club, where the conference kicked off with a cocktail hour that featured beer tasting and footgolf on the club’s golf course.

Following energizing and inspiring conference sessions and networking, attendees enjoyed an evening party on the company’s private property that featured a delicious buffet of Midwestern food, a bonfire and ‘smores bar, a Wisconsin beer truck, laser tag and ziplines, an entertaining photo booth and a live band, with fireworks capping off the night.

Comply365 and its clients are excited to kick off this year’s conference on the Beloit College campus, which is just a few blocks from a new boutique hotel and restaurant, as well as the other boutique downtown hotel, allowing attendees to walk to nearly all the conference events.


Visit Beloit