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John Lennon and Yoko Ono’s Hilton Amsterdam Bed-In for Peace Turns 50

March 25, 2019, marked the 50th anniversary of John Lennon and Yoko Ono’s “Bed-In For Peace in room 702 of the Hilton Amsterdam. Do you feel old yet? Were you even born then?!

In 1969 John and Yoko used their honeymoon as a global media event for a weeklong Bed-In For Peace as a non-violent protest against war. The bed-in was modeled after similar anti-war “sit-ins” that gained national attention.

Lennon immortalized the happenings in his Beatles song The Ballad of John and Yoko:

Drove from Paris to the Amsterdam Hilton
Talking in our beds for a week
The newspapers said
Say what're you doing in bed
I said we're only trying to get us some peace

Hilton Channels Bed-In History in New Marketing Campaign

Hilton, which is celebrating its 100th anniversary May 31, 2019, certainly remembers the Bed-In For Peace.

The hotel chain is marking the occasion by promoting two “Room 702” videos that showcase its mission of connecting people around the world to bridge our differences through travel.

According to Hilton, the videos personify how the hotel chain has “fostered understanding throughout the world” through the stories of its employees.

Following are the first two videos in the series produced by the global hotel giant, along with descriptions about their relevance to the hospitality industry:

Serby Castro: A suite attendant who has brought thousands of recycled soap bars from hotels to underprivileged children and families in the Dominican Republic, feeding into Hilton’s larger commitment to donate 1 million bars of soap by Global Handwashing Day (October 15).

Ismaeil Dawod: A refugee who sought new opportunities in Germany found a job at Hilton Frankfurt, where he is now engaged in an apprenticeship program. Ismaeil’s moving story shows his determination to start his life over.

Along the way, he uses his new language skills to assist other refugees.

“Hilton’s founder, Conrad Hilton, grew his company globally on the belief that world travel could lead to better understanding among people, and contribute to global peace,” said Hilton CEO Christopher J. Nassetta. “His mission was to fill the earth with the light and warmth of hospitality. I think the world is a better place because Hilton was born into it 100 years ago.

"And if we continue to do our job, the world will be a better place because Hilton is in it for the next 100 years," he added.

Can You Stay in the John and Yoko Suite?

The John and Yoko Suite at the Hilton Amsterdam is available to guests—for a price. A stay in the 538-square-foot suite runs between $1,800 and $2,300 per night, according to the Chicago Tribune. The 271-guest room hotel also includes 14 meeting rooms and seven boardrooms.

Lennon and Ono held another weeklong Bed-In For Peace at Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth hotel in Montreal May 26. This bed-in inspired Lennon to write Give Peace a Chance.

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Tyler Davidson | Editor, Vice President & Chief Content Director

Tyler Davidson has covered the travel trade for nearly 30 years. In his current role with Meetings Today, Tyler leads the editorial team on its mission to provide the best meetings content in the industry.