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Draft Calling for Social Responsibility Released

ASAE & The Center for Association Leadership released a draft of Guiding Principles for Socially Responsible Associations.

The principles align with and complement the UN Global Compact, a universally vetted set of goals addressing many of the world’s most challenging problems. Anyone interested may download the draft principles and submit comments until Oct. 16 at

The draft includes provisions that guide associations on becoming more socially responsible in areas related to association and nonprofit management, including advocacy, leadership, ethics, diversity, self regulation, human rights, philanthropy and community service, and environmental and economic sustainability.

The final document will be presented for approval and discussion by ASAE & The Center’s boards of directors in November. If passed, associations and nonprofit organizations will be invited to sign onto the final principles as part of their commitment to using social responsibility as a business driver and as a tool for positive environmental, economic and social change.