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Take 10 - Digital Security With Jim Spellos

  1. What’s the name of the password manager?

    The one I use and showcased is called Dashlane. However, there are a number of very good ones available, including LastPass and 1Password. Just make sure you get a reputable product (do your online research first).

  2. Password manager - Recently one provider was hacked…a bit concerned about using it

    Very true. LastPass was hacked last summer. But it is interesting to note that their encryption protection wasn’t compromised. There is a conversation about whether cloud-based Password Managers (such as LastPass and Dashlane) are inherently less secure than locally based services. Inherently, they are less secure…but more convenient. So best solution, as we discussed in the session, use a Password Manager and two-step/factor authentication, whenever possible. Nothing is infallible.

  3. If I don’t use free Wi-Fi, do I need a VPN?

    I guess if you actually never used public Wi-Fi…not in a coffee shop, not at an airport, not at a hotel (free or otherwise)…you may not need it. But so few of us, especially in this industry, live in that space. Plus, do you always keep your Wi-Fi on, so that it’s trying to connect to a nearby hot spot? Personally, I’d rather be safe than sorry.

  4. Can you recommend a good software to remove malware/adware or is it best to take computer to Geek Squad or other reliable service?

    Personally, I use both MalwareBytes and Prevx as my anti-malware solutions. MalwareBytes is the one which I actively run in memory, and is protecting me all the time. Nothing wrong with reliable services to fix an infected computer, but that is all about after you’re already infected. These two products (along with many others) can prevent and eliminate malware. One more important point…anti-malware products abound that are not legit…lots of them posing as good products that can actually damage your computer. If you choose a solution, vet it carefully…do your research, and connect with trusted sources about them. Same is true for anti-virus solutions. Do your homework before installing!

  5. Are programs such as CCleaner.exe or Cleanup.exe beneficial? Is that a malware program?

    As far as I know, neither one is malware. However, I’m not 100 percent sold on the benefits of these programs. Here’s a great article from How-To-Geek about why these types of programs may not be as useful as they seem. Again, they’re not malware…just perhaps not necessary.

  6. How can I install safeguards on Android phones?

    Since I have an Android phone, I’m aware that they are more open to digital hacks then iOS devices (but remember, no OS is perfect). I run two services, Lookout Mobile Security (paid) and MalwareBytes (free for mobile), that always run and scan anything that I download. Also, and very important to note, I never download an app without doing it from the Google Play store AND checking out the reviews for red flags. While I don’t panic when I see the “troll talk” (disgruntled customers who may not know much about what they’re saying), I do take the extra step to make sure that any negative reviews I read aren’t signs of a significant problem.

  7. Is there any difference between PC and Mac security?

    It’s safe to say that Macs are the subject of less hack attempts than PCs, and that they do a better job of preventing basic issues. OS X includes many built-in protections. However, don’t believe the hype that those systems are impenetrable. There are many good anti-virus programs for Macs, as well as needing to install the anti-malware solutions. If I was using a Mac, I’d exercise the same caution, with the same group of solutions (anti-virus, anti-malware, personal VPN, as well as common sense) as I do with my PC.

  8. Some company VPNs only run on IE, why?

    It puzzles me why any company has Internet Explorer as their default browser, from a security perspective. I do understand that some (older) websites run better on IE than on other browsers, but that doesn’t swing the balance in that direction. If you are still in IE (Microsoft Edge, their new browser, seems to be much better in this regard), make sure that your IT department lets you upgrade to the latest IE (11) version…though since some versions don’t run with some operating systems, make sure you and IT have a conversation first. As a rule of thumb, don’t download anything on your work computer without clearing it past IT. I know, many of you don’t want to hear that…sorry.

  9. When on-site I set up an extensive registration area with barcode scanners at 16 stations, what extra protection should I get for the system to protect data?

    In addition to your typical protections regarding using public Wi-Fi, it probably wouldn’t hurt if you would encrypt the barcode, as well as creating one-use barcodes (like what they use on tickets for concerts). Yes, it’ll cost more…yes, it will provide additional security.

  10. How often do you think that photo security won't work, let's say your "weekend " look?

    Well, time will tell on that. I do know that the technology behind photo recognition is already pretty phenomenal. Yet the “Selfie Pay” approach which MasterCard is planning on using is as much about social engineering as it is about the photo technology. So I wouldn’t worry about that “weekend look” right now!

A generic silhouette of a person.
About the author
Jim Spellos