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Take 10: 'Leveraging a CVB/DMO for Your Meeting' With Terri Woodin

Terri Woodin answers additional questions from the 04.18.18 Leveraging a CVB/DMO for Your Meeting webinar.

1. What is the best way to ask if the CVB/DMO offers a financial incentive?

After the CVB/DMO receives your RFP and responds to you via email as to who your contact is, reply to the contact with what assistance you are looking for from them throughout the RFP process from obtaining timely responses, suggestions of any hotels you may not have included, site visit etc and then ask if they have any current promotions or incentives that your RFP qualifies for.

2. What does CVB/DMO stand for?

Convention & Visitor's Bureau and Destination Management Organization. They are the same thing, just renaming themselves.

3. Are CVBs and DMOs the same?

Yes, they have just renamed themselves.

4. Is a DMO different then a DMC?

Yes, the DMO is your CVB renamed for modern times that represents the city/destination. A DMC is a Destination Management Company that specializes in the organization and logistics of meetings and events.

With their in-depth knowledge of the field, their many years of experience in organizing programs, and their creativity, the key-word when working with a DMC is 'customized'. For example, you want to do a beach event with an entire theme, the DMC creates it and executes it from A-Z.

5. How do CVBs make their money from Planners?

They do not, their service is free to you.

The CVB is paid one of two ways in any city which is via membership of the hotels and suppliers in the destination or by a tax per guest room on the hotels so they can bring business to the city/destination.

6. Are DMOs usually a paid service, where CVBs are complimentary?

No, they are one in the same with an updated name for modern times.

7. Is there a fee associated with working with a CVB/DMO?

No, their service is free to you.

8. How do I maximize a CVB/DMO?

Get them involved at the beginning by copying them on the RFP when you send it to the hotel or your GSO or you can send it to them and they will distribute it and then follow all the great ways to work with a CVB that we discussed on the webinar. They are there to support you and bring the business to their destination.

9. Do all cities offer sponsorship?

Each city runs different promotions at different times based on driving business to their destination.

They are all able to do incentives at dollar amounts to your master based on the contracted room block so it is worth the question to all CVBs to see what is available to you.

10. What is the smallest size meeting to work with a CVB on?

The CVBs have small meeting managers and large meeting managers and even convention center managers ... include on all RFPs where their services apply.

You could have a 15-person, high-end board meeting that wants to get out of the box meeting space and team build and have off-site dinners and you are not familiar with the city ... they can help.


11. Do other countries have CVBs?

Yes, all destinations do. Out of the country CVBs are even more important for support as there are all the tax/VAT rules, country customs, etc., that they can help you with in addition to all the services you would use a U.S. CVB for. Costa Rica definitely does and if you go to IMEX you can meet with all the CVBs.

12. Are there ethics of recommending one property over another?

That is the beauty of a CVB as they do not recommend one brand so based on your communications/needs they will recommend what fits that.

Click here to watch "Leveraging a CVB/DMO for Your Meeting" on demand!