Best Practices

10 Easy Ways to Boost the Sustainability of Your Event

Employ these 10 sustainability tips from MeetGreen to start your journey toward greener meetings and events. From reducing food waste to eliminating paper, adopting these inexpensive strategies will provide cost savings, water savings, energy efficiency and address larger social issues.

7 Actionable Tips on Diversity and Inclusion From MPI

Creating welcoming experiences that not only accommodate participants’ differences, but celebrate them, isn’t just the right thing to do—it’s good for business. MPI Academy Director Jessie States shares seven high-level diversity and inclusion best practices for better event design.

5 Tips for Planning a Successful Hosted Buyer Event

When planning a one-on-one hosted buyer event, finding the right match of vendor and buyer can make or break the event. It streamlines the process to connect buyers and vendors, make meaningful connections and create opportunities. Get tips on how to plan an event that benefits both sides.

An Essential Contract Checklist for Meeting Planners

Contracts are important to meetings and events in that they ensure both parties understand the terms of an agreement and have apportioned risk in an acceptable way between them. Following are my “top 10” essential contract tips that you can implement into contract negotiations and execution.