Best Practices

A Risk Management Checklist to Help Avoid Disaster

Risk management should be at the top of every planning list for meetings. Potential hazards include manmade threats such as terrorism, shootings, protests and cybercrime. “Natural” occurrences like earthquakes, hurricanes and wildfires are also included. The following are my top 10 tips to help with risk management preparations.

10 Essential Event Budget Tips for Better SMM and a Better Bottom Line

Meetings are big investments. At my company, Meeting Sites Resource, just one of the ways our budget and cost savings strategies add value to meetings and the bottom line is achieved by developing a negotiation plan for each event, an important part of Strategic Meetings Management (SMM).

F&B Strategies and Questions for Evaluating Caterers

A common statistic that is bandied about the meetings industry states that F&B costs are commonly the second-highest budget item (after guest rooms), so getting this portion of your event correct is absolutely crucial to the bottom line.